Fertility and Babbys

Caffeine does more than wake you up–it wakes up your sperm. That’s right. A group of Brazilian scientists has found that men who drink coffee have sperm that moves better than the sperm of those who turn down the cuppa joe. Lead researcher, Fabio Pasqualotto, said: “Sperm motility was higher in patients who drink coffee…continue reading.

Kirk Maxey, a 51-year-old Michigan man, estimates that he has sired some 400 children. Considered one of the most prolific donors in the country, Maxey donated sperm twice a week at a Michigan clinic between 1980 and 1994. He got into it at the incentive of his first wife, a nurse working with infertile couples.…continue reading.

Not only are Bluetooth headsets the ultimate sign of douchebaggery, keeping your phone in talk mode in your pocket while you use your hands’ free device may screw up your sperm, too. Awesome, now you’re doubly less of a man. “We found increased oxidative stress and a decrease in sperm motility,” said Dr. Ashok Agarwal,…continue reading.

A study from New Zealand has uncovered a correlation between a woman’s prolonged exposure to the semen of her baby’s father serves to protect her against pregnancy-induced hypertension and having an undersized baby. In this study by Kho and colleagues at the University of Auckland, which was published in the Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2,507…continue reading.

The National Infertility Association and EMD Serono, a pharmaceutical company, joined to sponsor In The Know, a short-film competition about couples dealing with infertility. The winning films are touching–there are Kristin and Wally Acuna, of Clifton, N.J., who dealt with infertility after the birth of their first son, then were able to conceive triplets in…continue reading.