
In 2022, the FIFA World Cup will be hosted at last in the Middle East and Qatar — the country that won the bid to host the tournament — has been hard at work building new stadiums. A few days ago, some of the plans by the design firm AECOM escaped, enabling the world to see what Qatar had in store for soccer fans the world over. The greatest minds in design, engineering and architecture are unanimous: there’s no greater structure than that of the human vagina.

Let’s get the basics of Hollywood out of the way. You’ve got a date. And you thought you’d show your theatrical side by getting tickets to The Pantages but cannot for the life of your true hipster self think of where to take your glam gal. It’s your first date with this particular lady, and…continue reading.

If this date is hotter than the first, you’ll seal the deal. You’re racking your brain. You know she comes from Michigan. She has a brother. She loves dogs. She works as a paralegal. She hates sports. She’s not a fan of Mexican. She does yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Oh, and she’s obsessed with…continue reading.

He began undressing me quickly, furiously, before we had even closed the hotel room door behind us. Naked save for my stilettos, he pulled back and looked at me in the dim light. “You’re spectacular,” he said, then paused and flicked on the light. He paused for a moment to look at me. There was…continue reading.

“Where’s the restaurant?” he asks quietly, walking past a small group of people at the lobby. “We’re not here to eat,” I respond, walking briskly past the small area and to the steps. He follows, several feet behind me. I assess the space at the top and move toward a chaise in a darker corner.…continue reading.