There is a saying that is never too far from my mind whenever I begin planning a sexy surprise: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This saying was perfectly illustrated one day when I decided to surprise the guy I was dating with a little late night dessert. Oh, you ask, what could possibly go wrong?

Though pop psych would have us believe that all men would love to have a woman jump all over him saying she wants his cock right now, this isn’t always the case. The moment the person approaching lets go of generalizations (whether they are related to gender, race, age, etc.), that’s the moment the approach becomes “dignified.” Dignity, after all, is not about how you dress or how you speak, but rather that you see other people as human beings — individual human beings who have their own opinions, ideas, and desires (which may or may not include you in a sexual or even platonic sense).

He asked me out on a date over e-mail. I’m not into him — How should I respond? I want to be cordial but make it clear this is not the direction I want to go.

Wet is good during sex, but when I am going down it feels almost like mucus. The more I do this, the more turned off I get. I really want to enjoy sex with her, but it gets more difficult by the day.

Our editrix here at Sex and the 405 has a formspring.me account where people ask her questions about sex — well, it’s supposed to be about sex, but you guys should see what people ask her. She really is the Oracle at Delphi reupholstered in KY-Jelly. Behold: You’ve mentioned that you frequently work naked. I…continue reading.