
Ah, Facebook. You’re like that girl we date that makes us crazy but we just can’t leave her. We cheat with Twitter and a handful of other social networks, thinking we might just do it, we might just jump ship, but we never do and we know, somewhere deep inside, that we never will. Even…continue reading.

For the most part, the casual encounters section of the popular classifieds site Craigslist is an exercise in desperation. But every once in a while, you encounter the sort of thing that makes the endless hours we here at Sex and the 405 spend browsing it (hey, someone’s gotta do it, would you rather be…continue reading.

We all love a little fail when it’s not our own, especially early in the morning. Since we blew so much time tonight procrastinating on FailBlog, we thought we might make a post out of it with out top favorite recent fails. This is what we came up with: That should start off your morning…continue reading.

Not to fall behind Kotex in embracing open discussion of menstruation, Tampax has apparently launched MenstrualTweets, an aggregator collecting the Twittersphere’s 140-character missives about — you guessed it: cramps, PMS, tampons, cycles, and periods. As with most aggregators, we’re seeing a variety of … interesting things. No word from Tampax of yet as to this…continue reading.

It was only a matter of time before it came to this, creatures. If you have a Facebook, you know first hand how angina-inducing interaction with your near and dearest can be. Unlike a social gathering or family dinner, you can’t really walk away — or try to keep things between yourself and the other…continue reading.

We’ve all heard of push-up bras, but how about a little lift in the trunk? That’s what the Biniki ButtBra is all about. (We wish this were an April Fool’s joke. It isn’t.) According to CrazySexStuff, California psychologist Dr. Karin Hart came up with the idea after she lost a lot of weight and her…continue reading.

Last year, Details magazine wrote a piece about how over the bachelor party was. Limos. Titties. Shots. Titties. Hookers. Titty shots. Las Vegas. Las More Titties. Aaaaaooooo! At one point or another, all of us will either plan, participate in, or be the feted guest of honor of a bachelor party—that most generically alpha-male endeavor…continue reading.

The geekery is extreme here in the Sex and the 405 newsroom, so it’s no surprise that when we found out about Dayta, we were beside ourselves with delight. Dayta is a data-tracking app for the iPhone that enables you to keep tabs on everything about you. You can use it to watch your weight…continue reading.

OnlineSchools has collected some interesting data regarding trends in online dating. We here at Sex and the 405 are not surprised that people who meet online have shorter courtships for marriage than people who meet offline, but did you know that one out of three women who meet men online have sex on the first…continue reading.

If you thought your life was complete at the discovery of Explosions and Boobs, we here at Sex and the 405 are pleased to bring you something else worth waking for: LAZERTITS! For centuries the female bosom has been wrongfully held in the prison of maternal duty and manboy motor-boating. The time has come to…continue reading.