Pregnancy And The Flu
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is holding a webinar and conference call on how the flu affects pregnancy this Wednesday, January 13, from 5:00 to 6:30PM PST.
Speakers include Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, a board-certified pediatrician and senior scientist in the CDC Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities and Dr. Betsy Mitchell, a health communication specialist.
Along side the doctors will be a… wait for it, wait for it… social media expert! This individual will turn you on to flu-related social media tools from CDC. Got flu? There may be an app for that. Stay tuned. Or just prepare to see your Twitter streams saturated with the #Preg&Flu hashtag.
Anyway, if you’re interested in attending, go ahead and e-mail to RSVP and submit any questions you may have on the topic.
To call in during the conference, dial: 877-972-5886, the code to enter is: 7276457
To access the call via web, go to MyMeeting.
Information via Rita Arens.