The Sexy Librarian: Fiction and Non-Fiction

Apr 19, 2010 • News, Research

In 1992, Will Manley issued a sex survey to librarians. Over 5.000 librarians responded, but the Wilson Library Bulletin refused to run the results. On April 11, 2010, the retired librarian released the results to the public on his blog.


20% of the respondents felt that sex without love is by definition bad sex.

78% of the female respondents and indicated that they had been sexually harassed by a library patron.

30% of the male respondents indicated that if there were a nuclear war and Roseanne Barr Arnold was the only woman on earth to survive, they would have sex with her in order to propagate the species.

38% of the female respondents indicated that if there were a nuclear war and Pee Wee Herman was the only man on earth to survive, they would have sex with him in order to propagate the species.

By Genre

38% of the respondents classified their sex life as a romance.
31% as a fantasy.
22% as a comedy.
9% as a tragedy.

Frequency of Sex

21% of the respondents reported having no sex.
50% reported having sex 1 – 2 times per week.
22% reported sex 3 – 4 times per week.
6% reported 5 -7 times per week.
1% have it more than 7 times per week.

Sex Outside the Bed

63% reported having had sex at least once in a car.
57% in a sleazy motel room.
52% sleeping bag.
43% kitchen floor.
32% hot tub.
7% airplane.
8% elevator.
20% library (which explains why 22% of respondents felt that libraries should have condom dispensers in their bathrooms).

Read all the survey results here.

Image by Dumio Momio. Information via FetLife.

  • Zoë Blue

    Let me tell you something, girlie. I dated – and nearly married -a librarian for four years. I’ve attended at least three international library conferences. I’ve been in libraries for most of my life. I’ve seen librarians get down and dirty on the dancefloor at their conference shindig.

    And let me tell you: They are one sexY bunch of people. Perhaps no more than the average person, but give them a few mini cupcakes, a complimentary glass or two of wine, then put them on a dance floor and see if your jaw doesn’t drop to the floor.

    Also, if there’s one thing librarians EXCEL at, it’s good food and wine. Their parties are all a little on the unhinged side too. These are heady people who relish in and adore a little bit of hedonism with their Homer. My recommendation? Head to the nearest library conference and keep your eyes open. You’ll see what I mean.

  • Nikki

    Agreed. A librarian seduced me when I was seventeen and drunk and I ended up with him for six years, primarily for the sex.