
Last week, Jim Stamas, the Republican Majority Floor Leader for Michigan’s House of Representatives decided to bar Lisa Brown (D-West Bloomfield), from speaking on any of the bills the House is attempting to pass before adjuring for the summer. The reason for the ban? She said “vagina.” To talk about a bill regulating abortion. What was she thinking, right?! See for yourself.

Trafficking won’t stop until we learn to tell the difference between those who are coerced into prostitution and those who aren’t. Painting the entire red light district in Amsterdam — one of the few places where sex work is legal and sex workers have rights — as a trafficking zone will only result in criminalizing prostitution, putting all sex workers at risk of exploitation. How is this a better option that working with sex workers there to find trafficking victims?

They tried to call attention to the male-dominated tech world through humor and be inclusive? You don’t “call attention” to a male-dominated industry and foster inclusion by enforcing sexism. It’s only slightly better than the initial apology, but we are heartened by the swift and brutalizing reaction to the ad.

In a world where employers can easily find out everything about you, where insurance companies can decide to give or deny coverage because they see some status update as representing a liability, where a judge at family court can take away your children because — God forbid — you had a photo taken at Playboy West some Halloween… It’s not a matter of the web exposing you. It’s a matter of no longer having the ability to segregate different aspects of your life as we were once easily able to do and the concern is entirely valid.

During the drawn-out investigation, one of the Madam’s girls disclosed that Edwards had had a one-nighter with her while he was in the Big Apple in 2007 raising money for his presidential campaign. She provided a very detailed account of the tryst and investigators found her claim credible, especially after substantiating that Edwards was in New York at the time the woman claimed to have indulged him.

Arizona Senator John McCain initially supported the Blunt Amendment, a measure that would have allowed individual employers to choose whether they wanted to allow employee health plans to cover birth control. Recently, however, he seems to have changed his mind regarding controlling women’s reproductive choices.

But there is one question we just haven’t been able to answer to our satisfaction — at least not without exposing the hypocrisy of people who claim to be interested in preserving the beautiful tradition of freedom and autonomy that this country represents. The question was posed simply enough: “The conservative party’s devotion to preserving the life of the unborn is admirable, but their concern seems to only extend to the unborn. Why are people so devoted to life in the name of God treat the very children they have saved as unnecessary burdens on the state, to be excised like so many malignant tumors?”

“I always say repression breeds obsession,” McCain tells Playboy in her interview. “Politicians have to be goody-goodies. They put on this face of perfection and pretend they’re completely above indiscretion. But the more you deny your sexual side, the more it builds up and comes out in inappropriate ways.”

I don’t understand why young people think feminism is a bad word. Maybe they just don’t know. They don’t know. They don’t know what it was like to worry all the time about getting pregnant. To be terrified even within our marriages. That was such an enormous fear. There was nothing you could do about it, except a back alley kind of abortion — and that could kill you.

Gillian Anderson, famous for her role as Dana Scully the skeptic, science-minded FBI conspiracy investigator on the hit television series, has come out as bi. This is no ploy to get some media attention — according to Out magazine, Anderson started dating girls when she was in high school.