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The fundamental tenet of BDSM play is “Safe, Sane, Consensual.” This isn’t Ma Cherie’s Kink U* so I’ll sum up: Don’t kill each other. Don’t be too drunk or under the influence of other, ahem, substances to make rational decisions. Respect each other’s limits.

Dominance isn’t tying someone up, it’s taking over their body, enveloping their thoughts, their emotions, and their orgasms into a container of control. It’s pacing intimate interactions to the point of break for the submissive.

The sun has barely shaken its veil of gin and jazz. It struggles above the horizon, announcing its distaste with an angry spray of crimson and gold. The city is aflame, the end of her cigarette blends into the morning sky.

It’s a day of victory for sex-workers in Ontario, who won a case challenging criminal code provisions against soliciting prostitution, pimping and operating an establishment where sex work takes place. Superior court justice Susan Himel struck down all three provisions.

If left to its normal trajectory, the ecstatic annihilation is relivable: an annihilation which allows you to recover, a petit mort that defeats death. The mourning of its loss propels its future projection by creating an impulse and desire for further annihilations.

Now, the Folsom Street Fair is acknowledged to be the world’s largest leather event. Wikipedia calls it California’s third largest spectator event. This year it is estimated that 400,000 people attended the one-day festival this past Sunday.

Austin, Texas was recently named America’s “Most Sex-Happy City” by Men’s Health. That’s right, Austin. The city whose motto is “Keep Austin Weird,” and whose unofficial mascot is testicular cancer survivor Lance Armstrong.

She enjoys a slow seduction. A rhythm that swells and retreats with the quickening and softening of heartbeats. The pulse of an evening. This one was a child, really. A man in years only. Full of his own estimations. He was ripe for instruction.

Would you rather be the elegant, stylish idol Jackie O, or sexpot goddess Marilyn Monroe? (For the younger generation, Team Jennifer or Angelina?) Virgin/slut, wife/mistress, girlfriend/hook-up, whatever paradigm you use to explain the roles available to women in society.

They each have Ins and Outs. Her Ins are the usual, eyes ears nostrils mouth cunt ass. Her Outs are also the common ones: fingers and hands and feet and tongue. Arms. Legs. Things that can be thrust into other things.