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In case you’ve been living under a rock or having the kind of epic sex we’ve been having, you know that Roy Ashburn, a Republican senator from Bakersfield was arrested last week for a DUI after leaving a hip Sacramento gay haunt with a younger man. Ashburn “has a flawless record of voting against every…continue reading.

Relationships are complicated! Every time we look at the stuff from which to pick on Facebook, we practically get nosebleeds. To this end, we submit the following cartoon by Rob Cottingham as a guide for the next Facebook overhaul: You laughed, admit it. Cartoon by Rob Cottingham, via Jalam1001.

As a man, I felt somewhat slighted when I saw the top ‘trending topic’ on Twitter this morning: “Happy Women’s Day.” Huh? This must be some sort of Twitter in-joke, like when everyone tried to fool their friends into thinking that some balloon-faced Canadian kid named “Justin Bieber” was in the Billboard Top 40. <…continue reading.

No one is immune to sex tapes! Not rockstars, actors, heiresses, politicians or spiritual leaders! Swami Nithyananda falls into the last category. According to his ashram, he’s “attending the Kumbh Mela” right now, which we’re pretty sure is the Indian version of skipping town. Why? Earlier this week a tape was released by the media…continue reading.

While we were in Manhattan up to absolutely no good, we happened to meet Andrea Grant, creator and writer of the comic MINX. Immediately drawn to the complex plot line and sexy heroine (based on Grant herself), we knew we had to share her with you. So we asked her to take a time out…continue reading.

Our editrix was over at the Mahalo offices last week where she did a few more things than simply scandalize the employees there. Their answer site has a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) category! Check out some of the stuff we stumbled across. OK, fine, we didn’t — Mahalo’s newest acquisition Mike Bracco (total hottie,…continue reading.

“Every single holiday, a dick in a box,” sang Justin Timberlake. And boy, do we like the idea of taking that beautiful cock of yours with us. Well, guess what — we can. Introducing the Make Your Own Dildo kit. That’s right, now you, too, can have your manhood immortalized in a mold like the…continue reading.

A Florida legislator wants to outlaw abortion in Florida. “I just felt like we’re destroying a lot of Florida’s children, and we need to stop,” said State Rep. Charles Van Zant, R-Keystone Heights. The bill he filed in February would make nearly all forms of abortion a first-degree felony for the provider, punishable by up…continue reading.

As denizens of Los Angeles, we spend more time on the road than we do anywhere else (seriously, we don’t know why L.A. bothers with foursquare. Locales? We’re either on the 405 or the 10 — stuck. Make us mayor of that). Anyway — it makes perfect sense that we would find a service to…continue reading.

OK, so you’re getting married. Vegas is right next door — why not? Our buddies over at CasinoGuide have some activities for you to consider. Our top five: Marry a Stripper Face it, the little lady back home is a shrew. “Blah blah blah equality”. “Blah blah blah me me me”. Ditch the bitch. Las…continue reading.