For That Geek In Your Life

Nov 25, 2009 • Culture

F Me Cufflinks


Social media is everywhere. Play into the hype with this hilarious double-entendre cufflink set, “F Me”–get it? Get it? What, you don’t think it’s funny? Fine. I’ll keep all the jokes about poking to myself. $50.00, from

Twitter Stalkings


Tweet me, Twitter me, add me, stalk me, DM, @me, tweet me, tweet me, tweet me, follow me. These stockings (or “stalkings”–get it?! OMGLOL) are perfect for the Twitter whore in your life. $23.00, from tattoo socks on Etsy.

Geek Necklace Extravaganza


Everything you could imagine from “geekmom” to “trending topic,” CouchObjects has a necklace for it. Their Etsy shop is a thing of the past, but you can shoot them an e-mail at hello [!at] and see if you can score one of their killer necklaces.