Participate in Dick Research!

Jun 29, 2010 • Research

We here at Sex and the 405 think that science is totally hot and sexy. As such, we endeavor to bring you every opportunity we can for you to participate in sexy science yourself.

We’re cool like that. So, get this: researchers at McGill University are studying male genital self-perceptions.

The purpose of this study is to better understand how men evaluate certain features of their genitals, and the factors that influence this perception. It is hoped that better understanding of male genital image concerns and the factors involved may improve body image treatment in the future.

This seems like pretty important research to us, so we hope you’ll participate. Plus, when the instructions include the line “you will need to measure the length and girth of your flaccid AND erect penis before completing this survey,” well, how could we NOT encourage participation?

Find the survey here.

As in sex, consent is crucial in human subjects research. Please participate responsibly – be sure to read the entire consent form before proceeding.

Photo by flickr user iliahi.