Fat Guy, Hot Chicks & Food = NSFW

May 20, 2010 • Porn, porn, teh inetrwebz, web

So You Wanna Be a Porn Star

Typical late night, sniffing around the boards, checking the networks. There’s nothing good on the intertubes. Then, a typical e-stalking session leads us down a strange corridor to a place we never thought we’d have to venture: the Minion’s lair.

He loves food, he loves girls and he’s got a site built around being the boulder of flesh every girl who wants to make it in porn has to fuck. He’s ThisIsWhyYou’reFat gone Xtube — and it’s impossible to look away.

We want to talk to this guy. If any of you have any information, please contact us. If not, here are some pics:

the minion

the minion

the minion

You’re welcome.

Images from TheMinion.com.