Female Orgasm By The Numbers

Apr 05, 2011 • Culture

Because infographics make the world go round, here’s one from Koldcast.tv. We’re slightly disappointed that the graphic didn’t cite the actual studies being referenced (and we’re weary of some of the cites), but hey, we’re going to settle for the fact they’re talking about female orgasms for now.

Female orgasm by the numbers infographic

As Jason Goldman, science writer for the likes of the Guardian and Scientific American, has pointed out in the comments, the bar graphs are not the most accurate, even if the data is.

“Consider, for example, the final question related to pelvic floor muscles,” he says. “Thirty-three percent say ‘no’ and 67 percent say ‘yes.’ Sixty-seven percent is twice 33 percent, and yet the bar for ‘no’ is not half as long as the bar for ‘yes.'”

Sneaky, Charlie, sneaky.

Via Shiloh Swanson.

  • Anonymous

    This is BRILLIANT! I would like to print this out and gift it all men, everywhere! The “time to reach orgasm” is super enlightening – in my opinion!

  • http://twitter.com/jgold85 Jason Goldman

    Whether or not the data is accurate (though I wonder if “dr.phil.com” is to be considered a legitimate source of information), the bar graphs are intentionally misleading if not entirely wrong. (the more I look at them, the less I see them as misleading and the more I see them as just wrong)

    Consider, for example, the final question related to pelvic floor muscles. 33% say “no” and 67% say “yes.”

    67% is twice 33%, and yet the bar for “no” is not half as long as the bar for “yes.”

  • Sam Sharpe

    If men are slightly more knowledgeable about the female nether regions and so many women have problems achieving orgasms doesn’t that suggest that “blame” for unfulfilled female orgasms rests with women? Doesn’t it suggest that if women were more familiar with their landscape (as men clearly are familiar with their own) they would have a greater understanding of what actually gets them off?