The Fifty Shades Official Toyline Takes Over Everything

May 07, 2013 • Books, Culture, Toys

EL James official toys from Fifty Shades

It wasn’t long before the line of sex toys inspired by the Fifty Shades bestsellers stormed the U.K. Released in time for Christmas, the toys were a sensation, with many fans on the other side of the Atlantic forking over the extra in postage just so they wouldn’t have to wait.

A few weeks ago, the line finally landed in the U.S., and they’ve taken up at almost every imaginable retailer online and off. The toys and especially the kits are reminiscent of LELO’s Dare Me, Adore Me, and Indulge Me pleasure sets — only at half the price. For those just exploring BDSM, a $70.00 beginner’s kit is probably a better idea than a more complex rig, or the luxury LELO version. I’m a big believer in accessible fantasy. Good on them for keeping it affordable.

The Pleasure Collection E.L. James and Lovehoney

I have not tried out the toys myself — as always, check the materials used on the sex toys you buy to ensure everything is body safe. For those new to sex toys, the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction has a great post on their blog with pointers:

The more porous a material is, the more nooks and crannies there are for bacteria and the like to hide in—like a sponge. There, in the surface of a porous toy, bacteria can thrive and reproduce. Because they cannot be sterilized, porous toys should always be used with a condom, especially for anal use or when sharing of toys between partners. A non-porous toy has a smooth, impermeable surface, like stainless steel, and does not retain and harbor bacteria in its surface. Many non-porous toys can be sterilized by boiling them in water or running them through the dishwasher (see manufacturer’s instructions). Regardless of porosity, it is always important to properly clean and maintain your toys.

Chemical composition: Some toys are made with chemicals that may not be safe for your body, and can cause itching, burning, rash and tissue damage. Phthalates (“thal-ates”) are a class of chemical plasticizers that are frequently added to the plastics used in sex toys (particularly PVC) to increase their flexibility, resulting in a softer, “squishier” feel to the toy material. The EPA has designated phthalates as “possible human carcinogens,” and they have also been linked to neurological and reproductive issues. Phthalates are currently a controversial topic among regulation agencies around the world and are banned in several countries (including children’s toys the U.S.), and research is continually being done to pinpoint the dangers that they pose. No safety regulations currently exist for the sex toy industry, which means that any “phthalate-free” claims that adorn sex toy packaging are unverified and may be false.

We dig Lovehoney, but always do your homework!

The toys, called the Pleasure Collection, are, of course, named with the books in mind — oh yeah, just what you always wanted! Inner Goddess Silver Balls and Twitchy Palm Spanking Paddle!

Want them? A cursory look suggests that and Adam & Eve offer them at the lowest price.