The Illustrated Guide to What People Think During Oral

May 22, 2014 • lolz

People who believe in complete honesty are not being honest with themselves about the sort of things that sometimes go through our heads in the most intimate situations. If they were, they would know that 99 percent of the time, we’d rather not know. At least when it’s about us. When it’s about others, though, it’s fair game, as was recently illustrated by the fine folks at ThoughtCatalog, who pored over a seemingly endless Reddit discussion and dutifully compiled some of the most amusing things that go through people’s minds when they’ve got a mouthful of penis.

This takes it up a notch. In celebration of Secret’s Android launch, here’s the illustrated version. And because we believe in equal opportunity merrymaking, we’ve added the things that go through people’s minds when they have a mouth full of pussy, too.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
secondhandsweaters, image by Nick Bonadies.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
dginmc, image by Gal.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
mpaige1987, image by Gal.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
felicious323, image by Albaraa Mehdar.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
– anonymous, image by Carlos.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
DoctorGingerBolt, image by Moyan Brenn.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
buttholemacgee, image by gadgetgirl.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
867_5_309, image by zen Sutherland.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
ChernobylGypsy, image by Mark Paschal.

Things people think while giving blowjobs.
musiqua, image by Mack444.

And now for the thoughts of people in the throes of eating box.

Things people think while eating box
Anotherfuckwit, image by Peter Miller.

Things people think while eating box
benedopp, image by Jason Clapp.

Things people think while eating box
TedFromRecordKeeping, image by waders.

Things people think while eating box
PaterBinks, image by Kevin Jones.

Things people think while eating box
django_reinhardt4, image by maynard.

Things people think while eating box
yespleaseee, image by tudor.

Things people think while eating box
baconcuresall, image by Van Sutherland.

Things people think while eating box
IrishGh0st91, image by Elizabeth Haslam.

Things people think while eating box
Bendix, image by Adrian Scottow.

Things people think while eating box
principalsofharm, image by K. Kendall.

  • tchansen

    The last one made me laugh out loud.

    I guess at least a week.

    • avflox

      You and me both! :)