Why We’re Not Lynching Apple’s Phillip Shoemaker

Aug 24, 2010 • Culture, geek, web

The web is up in arms about Apple App Store director Phillip Shoemaker following escorts and porn stars on Twitter. We’re here at Sex and the 405 refuse to jump on the bandwagon screaming hypocrite.

We believe in personal choice and freedom. Whatever value Shoemaker finds in these connections is for him to judge. He has a job with Apple to maintain the products they offer free of pornography, but that doesn’t mean the man shouldn’t be able to enjoy whatever he likes in his personal life.

If he were broadcasting the pornography he was watching, that may become an issue for Apple to address, but simply following these accounts doesn’t mean he is any less qualified to do the job that Apple requires of him, however draconian Apple’s anti-pornography stance may be.

That’s what it means to remember the human and allow others to be human and we’re more committed to this than a juvenile game of name-calling.

We strongly recommend the rest of the web pull its head out of its ass and its foot out of its mouth. After all, if those on the sex-positive front are going to condemn someone for following women in the skin and sex biz, are we really winning a battle or joining the other side in the war?

Think about it.

  • yangyin099

    Well said. I agree. Time to drop the sexual shaming of those we disagree with.

  • Myst

    I don’t have a problem with him being a pervert in his private life; I have a problem with him being in charge of the App Store approval process, when his own fart and urine apps got approved AFTER his employment. I have a problem when a guy who writes fart and urine apps has the power to determine what apps get approved. You conveniently forgot to mention any of that.

    Oh, by the way…thank you for being above a “juvenile game of name-calling” by instead telling everyone else to “pull their heads out of their asses.”

    Try not to be so stupid next time. Oops…was that engaging in a “game of juvenile name-calling?” Okay let me rephrase that: “pull your head out of your ass and your foot out of your mouth” the next time you write such a lame-ass, poorly thought defense. It’s like when there’s ONE retard who disagrees with everyone else just to be provocative.