Bacon or Sex?

Feb 17, 2010 • News, Noms, Research

A recent survey suggests that Canadians prefer bacon to sex.

The survey, conducted by Angus Reid for Maple Leaf Foods, discovered 43 percent of Canadians would take the nomy goodness that is bacon over a romp.

“We wanted to probe how deeply rooted Canadians’ passion for bacon is — and the For the Love of Bacon survey sure opened our eyes!” explained Adam Grogan, their vice president of marketing.

The survey involved 1,006 randomly selected Canadian adults.

And forget Dior and Givenchy, too. The survey found that when asked to rank various aromas by preference, 23% of men ranked bacon as number one.

This totally explains the bacon-flavored lipgloss we saw in our editrix’s drawer the other day. Man-pleaser.

Image from Alltop. Information from Perishable News, via Alltop. Thanks to Heather Meeker for the tip.