Call To Action: Support Porn!

Jun 03, 2010 • Causes

On June 12, 2010, a bunch of people are going to gather in Boston to discuss how pornography exploits women, breeds hatred, turns men into monsters and generally destroys lives and civilizations.

We here at Sex and the 405 think this is outrageous, of course. We are taking a stance for our freedom to look at whatever we want.

Porn valley will not take this one lying down like a pillow queen. And neither will those of us who support our freedom to make porn and watch it, male or female.

Sex blogger Violet Blue issued a lolsy video yesterday with suggestions about what we can do:

Anti-porn organizations subscribe to a rigid belief system that states that explicit visual imagery created for sexual stimulation is humiliating and exploitative and harmful to women. According to anti-porn pundits, pornographic imagery is such a powerful mind-control weapon, it could turn Gandhi into a serial killer. That is because the people who make porn are rocket scientists.

Anti-porn pundits state that women are harmed by the use of pornography because the people who use porn are creepy guys who smell bad and can’t have a real relationship and watching pornography makes them into brain chemical drug addicts, wife-beaters and baby-rapers. Gay men are totally immune to the effects of pornography.

Take a picture of yourself with a sign that says you’re pro-porn and upload it to the Our Porn, Ourselves Facebook page or make a video and post the link to Twitter using the hashtag #proporn.

Our editrix has compiled a list of local pornstars on Twitter — check them out, follow the list or follow the girls and show your support. Check out the anti-porn conference, too.

  • lurkedq

    Anti-porn? Are these the burka favoring control freaks who like to bomb things?

  • maymay

    Anti-porn? Are these the burka favoring control freaks who like to bomb things

    Actually, Lurkedq, the feminists against porn people are not burka-favoring control freaks at all. In fact, the headliner of the conference in Boston is one of the most right-wing wingnut Women’s Studies professors I’ve encountered, named Donna M. Hughes, who’d rather have us all ratchet up cultural colonialism no matter the cost.

    I find it unfortunate that people in the pro-porn movement are so quick to view the anti-porn people as “freaks,” because in reality they are much more dangerous than that. They are, in fact, largely either misguided and ignorant but well-meaning individuals or, in the case of Hughes, politically-motivated conservatives who have actively engaged in character assassination attempts against female sex educators time and time again. Donna M. Hughes has since moved on from personally attacking fellow academics she disagrees with to attacking sex-positive individuals, such as myself.

    These “feminists” have shown themselves to be incapable of having rational discussions about sexuality. Moreover, and despite multiple invitations to do so, they consistently refuse to engage in any dialogue with sexuality advocates, such as Violet.

    So, please, don’t dismiss these people as “freaks,” because that’s a huge understatement and a very dangerous idea to perpetuate. Donna M. Hughes and women like her are politically capable university professors who can and are doing the world serious damage.

    And don’t let them control the terms of this conversation—which is not really about porn, no matter what they say.

    • Anaiis

      Maymay, two things:

      1.) I haven’t forgotten you.
      2.) Thank you for being the only intelligent voice in the comments section. (Good grief.)

  • Pyre

    If these people really want to look at popular media that “generally destroys lives and civilizations” they should focus on all the “reality TV” garbage that is glorifying vapid mindless behavior. Especially this 16 and Pregnant crap that MTV is showing. No matter if the show itself tries to show being a teen mother in a negative light just the fact that it is a series is going to have far too many school age girls running out trying to get knocked up so they can be on TV. But then again these are generally the same types of people that oppose any for of accurate sexual education in schools. Because sex is “dirty and naughty” unless you’re married, then it’s something to be tolerated but only as long as you are trying to have kids. Far too many people in positions of influence are of the mindset that they know what is best for everyone and any deviation from their point of view cannot be tolerated. It’s sickening. Those of us that realize that life in general (and in the case specifically sexual expression) is NOT “one size fits all” need to stand up and make ourselves heard. Thank you Violet for this video and thank you to all involved in this movement for standing up for individuality.

    • Anaiis

      OK, the idea is not to censor. Pointing fingers and assigning blame to other existing instances of sexuality does not answer any questions.

  • Kevin Simmons

    I don’t know what she’s talking about and she probably doesn’t know either but that comment about gay men being immune to porn is dumb.but seeing that she is a feminist she should probably be down with porn because most of it involves lesbians and that what the feminists are anyway.

    • Anaiis

      If you’re referring to Violet’s video, she’s being sarcastic for a lot of it. /facepalm

  • James

    Why is this topic of porn always about women and woman’s rights and how it degrades a woman? It takes two to bang, I mean seriously? The male talent gets paid just like female talent? It’s degrading to her but not to him? The idea that all women are pristine angels and prudes about sex is a value from the 1950’s. Women can be just as easy as men can be. I don’t think that what a person chooses to put in their mouth or body is really anyone’s business, in front of a camera or not. This issue of feminists against porn should be more to the tune of empowering women to control the porn trade. I guess it’s easier to cry foul on someone else and their actions then to roll up the sleeves and actually do something more then complain about others.

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