Sex is Hot on Facebook

May 14, 2010 • Culture, geek, web

As you know, Facebook and our editrix have a pretty turbulent relationship, mostly relating to Facebook’s strong dislike for her penchant to overshare slutty images of herself.

You can imagine how amused we were then when we saw Dan Zarrella’s data regarding what users are sharing on the social network.

Zarrella applied two linguistic algorithms (the same ones used on the popular site TweetPsych that tell you what your content is mostly about on Twitter) and he found, based on the articles in his dataset, that more articles are shared with sexual references in their titles.

“Additionally,” the award-winning social media and viral marketing scientist notes, “positivity is more shared than negativity.”

So if you want your stuff shared on Facebook, he suggests: try to write positively about sex!

Graph from Dan Zarrella, via Marsha Collier.