The Clit Makes Girls Feel Good

Nov 08, 2010 • Culture, OMG! We're Parents

Moms in Babeland is an effort to address sex after parenting, and a good one at that. Last week, the quad behind the blog conducted an informal survey of their Facebook friends to get a sense of what they had learned in sex ed.

They discovered — surprise, surprise — that very little to no attention was paid to the clitoris. This resulted in a two-pronged problem: for girls unaware of the existence of the clitoris, the eventual discovery was confusing, if not outright traumatic.

They write:

And as many of our Facebook friends pointed out, not having information left them to make up their own stories about their bodies. Here’s what Liz said: “The first time I saw mine, I thought it was a little tiny penis and I had been born a hermaphrodite and my parents just never told me.” We read many stories about kids who thought they had a disease, a growth, or felt something was wrong with them.

For boys, the lack of knowledge could easily result in sexual encounters where their female partners are not satisfied, as many women don’t orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone.

That frustration and feelings of inadequacy could so easily be avoided by straightforward info about the clit and how it works. The clit is the only part of the human body that exists solely for pleasure. That’s a good message for our kids. Sex is supposed to feel good! It’s not something to be endured, tolerated or regretted.

We here at Sex and the 405 agree that sex ed has put a great emphasis on the negative posibilities (teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted illness) and failed to address one very important point: that sex is supposed to feel good and be enjoyed.

The poster, Rachel, suggests age-appropriate lessons be imparted from a young age. She has already taught her five-year-old son, for example, that girls have a clitoris and that it exists to make them feel good just as his penis does.

What do you think? Would you teach your kids that sex is more than unwanted pregnancy and disease? At what age would you start?

Information from Moms in Babeland.

  • http://www.AwakeningsCenter.Net Laurie Watson

    Excellent points. As a sex therapist and teacher, I’ve asked thousands of women in audiences, if their mother named their clitoris. My loose poll, says only 2% have mom name the center of their sexual pleasure. Not named, girls find the delightful discovery to be potentially shameful. Women are confused about their climax even though they know how-to from their childhood explorations. To add a fact – only appx. 15- 20% of women climax with penetration. 100% can orgasm with clitoral stimulation barring severe disease or physical trauma.

  • marjnhomer

    i learned about the clit a long time ago through cosmopolitan magazine. best discovery ever.