Why Do Cheaters Text?

Mar 20, 2010 • Culture

“Why the hell do cheaters text?” Jessica asked me. “It’s proven to be the number one way to get caught!”

A piece on amNewYork in relation to the Jesse James and Tiger Woods scandals cited some experts.

New York psychotherapist Jay P. Granat told the paper people do it because “there’s an unconscious desire to get caught” and because “they’re living on the edge some more” by leaving a trail of their infidelity.

Is this really the reason? People secretly want to get caught and live even more on the edge? Our editrix crowdsourced the question on Twitter. Here’s a sampling of the main reasons mentioned:

What do you think? We’ve been discussing this all day in the newsroom and our conclusions seem to be that people who become engrossed in one another experience a temporary insanity that leads them to believe that they will never get caught. It’s a superiority complex that flies in the face of reason and causes the involved parties to engage in all manner of completely negligent behavior such as texting, calling, holding hands while walking around Rodeo Dr., etc.

What do you think?

  • http://sexandthe405.com Nikki

    Personally, I like to keep the texts in case I need them later. But here’s one solution:

    TigerText can erase sent text messages. Is it really the ‘perfect app for cheating’?